Our PreschoolPurpose
Grace Lutheran Preschool is owned and operated by Grace Lutheran Church as a ministry to the community. Its purpose is to aid parents in early childhood education. The program is designed to promote learning through work and play under the guidance of a qualified teacher and helper. The school is neither a babysitting service nor a daycare center. It is a teaching preschool conducted in a Christian environment and under the direction of a Christian teacher. |
The preschool is part of the educational ministry of Grace Lutheran Church, and is operated under the guidance and direction of its Board of Christian Education. Staffing for each session includes a full-time teacher. The Pastor will serve as counselor, the preschool director is overseer of the program and is also in charge of registration and fees, Any inquiries concerning these topics can be forwarded to the preschool director.
Enrollment is limited to children 3 1/2 to 5 years of age, or two years before kindergarten. Your child must be 3 1/2 years old by August 31st, or close to it. When we receive the completed application form and the registration fee, your child will be enrolled. Washington State requires that all children must have up-to-date immunizations before being admitted to preschool. Enrollment is based entirely on a "first-come-first served" basis. A waiting list will be established to fill vacancies should they occur during the school year. Grace Lutheran Preschool has a nondiscriminatory policy and admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. You can mail your registration form and fee to PO Box 1646, Blaine WA 98231 or bring it to the church.
School Year and Class Times
The preschool generally follows the Blaine Public School year, beginning in September, but running only through May. Spring and Christmas vacations will be the same as the Blaine public schools, as well as national holidays where applicable. The four year old preschool classes meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. This class is for preschoolers who require only one year of preschool before entering kindergarten and must have turned 4 by the end of August. The three year old preschool classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. This class is for children who will require 2 years of preschool before kindergarten.
There are two distinct costs for the program: a materials and registration fee, and the monthly tuition fee, Our fees are set up to cover operational expenses only. We are a non-profit organization. Delinquent payments will produce a hardship on our operation, so prompt payment is appreciated. Fees are payable by cash or check to Grace Lutheran Church.
TUITION FEE: The monthly tuition fee is $187.50 per child for the 3-day program and $135.00 for the two-day program.
We want your child's first school experience to be a happy and successful one, where he/she can grow and develop at his/her own pace. Our classroom is set up in learning centers which are prepared by the teachers to create ongoing learning activities in preparation for kindergarten. Included in the learning centers are games, hands-on objects and activities, books, pictures, puppets, toys, art supplies, and more. Group activities include music, circle games, story time, and field trips. We teach Christian values through a loving Christian atmosphere and Bible stories. This should not conflict with other Christian denominational teachings. Your child will develop self-confidence, independence and a love for God. We encourage parent participation in our program by sharing with the children any interesting talents, skills, or hobbies you may have. We also need parents to help with driving and supervision for our field trips.
If you have any questions at this time, please feel free to call the church at (360)332-6589, or email [email protected].
The preschool is part of the educational ministry of Grace Lutheran Church, and is operated under the guidance and direction of its Board of Christian Education. Staffing for each session includes a full-time teacher. The Pastor will serve as counselor, the preschool director is overseer of the program and is also in charge of registration and fees, Any inquiries concerning these topics can be forwarded to the preschool director.
Enrollment is limited to children 3 1/2 to 5 years of age, or two years before kindergarten. Your child must be 3 1/2 years old by August 31st, or close to it. When we receive the completed application form and the registration fee, your child will be enrolled. Washington State requires that all children must have up-to-date immunizations before being admitted to preschool. Enrollment is based entirely on a "first-come-first served" basis. A waiting list will be established to fill vacancies should they occur during the school year. Grace Lutheran Preschool has a nondiscriminatory policy and admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. You can mail your registration form and fee to PO Box 1646, Blaine WA 98231 or bring it to the church.
School Year and Class Times
The preschool generally follows the Blaine Public School year, beginning in September, but running only through May. Spring and Christmas vacations will be the same as the Blaine public schools, as well as national holidays where applicable. The four year old preschool classes meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. This class is for preschoolers who require only one year of preschool before entering kindergarten and must have turned 4 by the end of August. The three year old preschool classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. This class is for children who will require 2 years of preschool before kindergarten.
There are two distinct costs for the program: a materials and registration fee, and the monthly tuition fee, Our fees are set up to cover operational expenses only. We are a non-profit organization. Delinquent payments will produce a hardship on our operation, so prompt payment is appreciated. Fees are payable by cash or check to Grace Lutheran Church.
TUITION FEE: The monthly tuition fee is $187.50 per child for the 3-day program and $135.00 for the two-day program.
We want your child's first school experience to be a happy and successful one, where he/she can grow and develop at his/her own pace. Our classroom is set up in learning centers which are prepared by the teachers to create ongoing learning activities in preparation for kindergarten. Included in the learning centers are games, hands-on objects and activities, books, pictures, puppets, toys, art supplies, and more. Group activities include music, circle games, story time, and field trips. We teach Christian values through a loving Christian atmosphere and Bible stories. This should not conflict with other Christian denominational teachings. Your child will develop self-confidence, independence and a love for God. We encourage parent participation in our program by sharing with the children any interesting talents, skills, or hobbies you may have. We also need parents to help with driving and supervision for our field trips.
If you have any questions at this time, please feel free to call the church at (360)332-6589, or email [email protected].